HTML and JavaScript Resources
This site is one of the most extensive and thorough resources on all aspects of website design and maintenance.
It is geared toward the more advanced site builder, but also has content for the intermediate developer.
Another very extensive site covering all kinds of topics revolving around website creation.
A great site with a lot of "up-to-the-minute" tips and tutorials to help make the webmaster's job easier.
A very useful resource site.
A resource geared toward more advanced users, but a great site as it has links to all kinds of
scripts and goodies that you can plug into your site for free.
Favorite JavaScript Resources
These two pages are home to hundreds of "cut-and-paste" JavaScripts for use on your web pages.
If they don't have the script here, ready for your use, it probably hasn't been written yet.
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This page was created on 02/07/2003